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Therapeutic Injections

FAQs About Therapeutic Migraine & TMJ Injections

How Does Therapeutic Botox Work?

 Neuromodulating Medicines work by blocking the release of neurotransmitters that cause muscle contractions and pain. In the case of migraines, medication is injected into specific areas of the head and neck to block the release of chemicals that trigger headaches. For TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, it is injected into the muscles responsible for jaw movement to reduce muscle tension and pain


How Well Does it Work?

Clinical trials have shown that therapeutic neuromodulator medicines can be effective for reducing the frequency and severity of migraines and TMJ pain. The effectiveness of the treatment may vary among individuals and depends on the severity of the condition.


It is important to discuss with a healthcare provider if therapeutic Botox is a suitable treatment option and what the expected benefits and risks are. 

How Much Does it Cost?

The cost of therapeutic Botox for migraine and TMJ management varies depending on the location and the healthcare provider. On average, the cost of a treatment for migraine or TMJ management ranges from $200 to $800. The total cost will depend on the number of injections required, which is determined by the severity of the condition


Therapeutic Botox for migraine and TMJ management is usually covered by insurance. Our Nurse Practitioner can support you with any required forms.

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