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My Problem With the Term "Vaginal Rejuvenation"

Are you considering a vaginal rejuvenation procedure? You're not alone - this term has become a buzzword in the medical aesthetics industry, with a variety of treatments claiming to improve the appearance and function of the vagina or vulva. However, as a woman myself, I believe it's important to examine why this term is problematic and to have an honest discussion about the benefits and risks of these procedures.

Written by Alina Moyer

I want to talk about the term "vaginal rejuvenation."

While it sounds like a positive and empowering term, I personally feel that it perpetuates harmful societal attitudes that equate youth with beauty and desirability. The term suggests that the vagina needs to be restored to a youthful or pre-menopausal state in order to be considered attractive or functional. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and shame for women who are experiencing natural changes in their bodies due to aging or childbirth.

I can attest it is something I personally feared. I heard more people tell me, more times than I would like to admit, about how my vagina will "never be the same again" after giving birth (insert MAJOR eye-roll). Mostly by men and women who had not had children yet.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

The term "vaginal rejuvenation" is actually often used interchangeably with terms like "designer vagina" or "vaginoplasty," which refer to cosmetic surgeries that alter the appearance of the genitalia. These procedures can be invasive and carry potential risks and complications, and may not actually improve sexual function or pleasure.

It's important for women to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for their individual concerns and needs, and to approach any procedure with realistic expectations.

There are some concerns about younger and younger women seeking out consultations for this treatment, which leave me feeling like we are not doing a good enough job as a society normalizing what a female's genitals actually look like.

The use of misleading marketing language has also led to the promotion of non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments that have mixed evidence for their benefits, such as energy-based devices and injectables such as the "O-Shot". These treatments can be expensive and may pose a risk to patients who are misled by false promises of improved sexual function and cosmetic appearance. It's important to do your research and consult with a qualified healthcare provider before pursuing any vaginal procedure.

If you're interested in learning more about what procedures actually exist, how they work and IF they work, check out the blog post HERE.

Some final thoughts...

The use of the term "vaginal rejuvenation" ignores the fact that sexual function and pleasure are complex and multifactorial. While a procedure may improve the appearance or function of the vagina, it may not necessarily result in improved sexual satisfaction or pleasure. It's important to have honest and informed discussions with your healthcare provider about your concerns and goals, and to explore all possible options for addressing any sexual health issues.

Ultimately, while the term "vaginal rejuvenation" may sound appealing, it's important to examine its underlying messages and to approach any vaginal procedure with caution and informed consent. It's crucial for women to prioritize their own health and well-being, and to make choices that are right for them, rather than feeling pressured to conform to societal expectations of youth and beauty.

Let's work towards creating a culture that celebrates the diversity and natural changes in women's bodies, rather than shaming and stigmatizing them.

-Her Health Co


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